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What are we aiming for?


As a teacher we have access to the curriculum guides for the various grade levels and subject areas we teach. These are also available to you at home. However, I have taken the outcomes from the professional guide for Grade 4 English Language Arts and made them available below for you to use at home. 


Learning Goal #1

 Your student can choose appropriate resources for the task at hand. 

This means that your student can choose a piece of media ( a video, a podcast, a written piece) that supports the work they are completing. 


Learning Goal #2

Your student can combine information from multiple places to create a greater understanding. 

This means that your student can connect the dots. They can take information from one source and information from another source in order to understand a concept or topic more in-depth. 


This also refers to your students's ability to conduct research independently. Can your student figure out what questions to ask in order to get the information they need. Can they use what they have (internet, books, human interaction) to find the answers to questions. 


Learning Goal #3 

Your student will use writing and other representations to explore, clarify and reflect upon thoughts and experiences. 

This means that your student can explore all of the ways they can share their learning. It does not necessarily have to be through written word. Let your child consider the purpose and the audience of their work. Then allow your students the space to create and share their learning in a way that is meaningful to them and their intended audience. 


Learning Goal #4

Your student can reflect on their work and make changes to enhance clarity and precision. 

This means your student can take the time to work through the various steps in the writing process. This shows your student takes pride in their work and is going through the steps to make it the best it can be. More information on the writing process can be found at the link on the bottom of the page. 



All of these learning goals are what we hope for students to accomplish through the lessons and activities they are taking part in. All of these do not need to be addressed at the same time, although you will find they work well together and tend to build on one another during an activity wether planned for or not. 


There are some examples of learning experiences and activities you can do at home with your student also linked below. 



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