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The Writing Process


The Stage of the Writing Process 



Prewriting is the first step in the writing process. This is where your student will begin to brainstorm and think about the question they wish to explore or the topic they want to discuss. Great tools to help your student brainstorm are "Graphic Organizers". These are things as simple as word webs, charts, doodles with notes, anything that helps to organize your students ideas and research. Aside from physically writing their thoughts and ideas down in some way, talk and conversation with your child is crucial at this stage. 


Here is a link to graphic organizers that can be printed for your students use:



Drafting is the second step in the writing process. This is the step where your student will sit and write. This is not the time to edit. We are not focused on fixing errors or having the best sentence structure. We are simply focused on putting pencil to paper and allowing your student to brain dump onto the page. Getting all of their thoughts and ideas out into the open. 



Revising is looking at your draft with new eyes. This is the time to change the big ideas within your students work. This is the time to add or remove words or sentences in order to make the writing flow. This is also the time to move or substitute words and phrases. 



Editing is the next stage in the writing process. This is where we focus on the smaller changes that need to be made. Things such as capitalization, punctuation, spelling of words and making sure we are using our nouns and verbs correctly. 



Proofreading is the final look at your piece of writing or representing to make sure it is consistent and accurate. Sometimes when revising and editing we can make changes to a sentence or paragraph without realizing the way these changes effect the project as a whole. This is your final read through to make sure the piece reflects the purpose, audience and ideas you had hoped. 



Publishing/Presenting is when your student is ready for their audience to view their work. 

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